The Line command is used to draw segments of straight lines. There are many methods available to draw precise shapes using the Line command (which we will learn later). For now, we will type coordinates in the Command Window. On the Ribbon, make sure you are in the Home tab. Using the Draw panel, click the Line button.
The following prompts will appear:
Specify fi rst point: (type in the coordinate of the fi rst point)
Specify next point or [Undo]: (type in the coordinate of the second point)
Specify next point or [Undo]: (type in the coordinate of the third point)
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: (type in the coordinate of the fourth point)
You can use the Undo option at any time to undo the last specifi ed point, hence the last specifi ed segment. After you draw two segments, the Close option will be available to connect the last point to the fi rst point and to end the command. Other ways of ending the command include pressing [Enter] or [Spacebar]. You can also press [Esc] to end the Line command. If you are using the Line command and you right-click, you will get the following menu (which is identical to the command prompt):