Honey is a liquid that is contained in a bag of honey bees which is obtained from various flowers. The best honey for consumption is pure honey. Pure honey is a liquid nectar which is sucked by a honey bee into a honey bag in its body. Flower nectar which is sucked is processed in the body of a bee with a certain enzyme mixed and then released back to the honey store in the beehive. Muri honey has many benefits for human health.
The content of pure honey is very diverse, depending on the source of the nectar where the bees get it. But regardless of the nectar, pure honey contains vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrate, hormones, antibiotics and trace elements. Vitamin A, all types of vitamin B complex, beta carotene, vitamins C, D, E and K. Minerals in salt form: Mg, S, Fe, Ca, Cl, K, Y, Na, Cu, and Mn.
As Plengdut emphasized earlier, honey has very good benefits to human health. The benefits include:
- Benefits in increasing stamina, vitality, and human energy
- Benefits of healing new wounds and burns
- Benefits of treating thrush
- Medication for joint pain
- Reduces Fever, warms the body
- Treating stomach pain
- Treating cough
- Smooth skin health
- Dry pimples
- Tonic
- Good for babies health
- Benefits of reducing insomnia
Pure honey can be obtained at the honey vendor (make sure its authenticity), it can also be obtained directly from nature. That is the benefit of honey for human health, hopefully it will benefit you all.